Eco excellence: The MTC Events commitment to event management sustainability

The events industry is notably impactful on the environment, with significant contributions to energy consumption and waste production. Selecting the right venue can make a big difference in reducing these effects, ensuring that your event is as green as possible.


Why does picking a sustainable venue even matter?

Opting for a sustainable venue is not just a trend; it's a meaningful step towards responsible event planning. Selecting an eco-friendly venue ensures that your event minimises harm to the environment. This can include using less energy, reducing waste, and promoting recycling. By making sustainable choices, we contribute to a healthier planet and set a positive example in an industry that’s uniquely positioned to make a difference.



What makes MTC Events a sustainable venue? 

At MTC Events, our meeting facilities blend effectiveness with environmental consciousness. We provide versatile spaces suited for in-person, fully streamed and hybrid events, emphasising flexibility and sustainability. 

We've minimised our reliance on printed materials by implementing digital and electronic signage throughout our meeting and conference areas. Our menu options, crafted by skilled chefs, are adaptable to a variety of tastes and include sustainable and locally sourced choices. 

We prioritise eco-friendly practices in our meeting provisions, too. All supplies for delegates are made from recycled materials, and, on request, we can replace traditional paper flip charts with electronic or dry marker alternatives to reduce paper usage. 

What’s more, we house all our audio-visual equipment on-site, ensuring high-quality set-ups while reducing the carbon footprint typically associated with transporting these items. 

And this is just the start! We're fully dedicated to delivering exceptional meeting experiences that are as responsible as they are rewarding. Here’s how we achieve this... 


Eco-friendly facilities  

Our venue is all about blending sustainability with safety, showing just how much we care about both our environment and our guests. We’re really proud to have a BREEAM certificate - it’s a top global standard that looks at how green buildings are. Holding this certificate shows we’re serious about reducing our environmental impact. 

We’ve also fitted our buildings with energy-efficient glazing to keep in the heat. This helps keep our indoor climate steady all year round and boosts our overall energy efficiency. Plus, we’ve got defibrillators easily available around the venue, ready to provide vital help if ever needed, proving our commitment to everyone’s health and safety. 



Green transportation  

Green transportation is a big win for both our planet and our visitors. Being right at the heart of major transport links, the MTC Events campus is easy to get to. Whether your delegates are coming by car, train, or even plane, our central location means less travel time and a smaller carbon footprint. You could also encourage some of your delegates to travel together if appropriate. 

To make things even greener, we have EV charging points in our car parks and plenty of bike racks. We’re also proud to support cycling with a bike scheme for our employees, encouraging a healthier, more sustainable way to commute.  


Energy and water 

We’ve installed restrictor fitments to cut down on water flow, helping to conserve this vital resource. Our plumbing is equipped with water softeners that prevent scale build-up, ensuring everything runs smoothly. We've also fitted dual-flush toilets throughout the venue to reduce water consumption significantly. Plus, we collect rainwater for irrigation, making our green spaces as eco-friendly as they are beautiful. And because we believe in accountability, water usage is a tracked metric, allowing us to continually optimise our consumption. 


Energy management

We keep a close eye on our energy use. This lets us see exactly how much energy we're using and helps us cut down where needed. We also do regular shutdowns to check on our usage, making sure we're running as efficiently as possible.  


Carbon reduction 

We’re serious about slashing our carbon footprint, and our approach to lighting and energy use showcases this commitment. We’ve installed motion-sensitive lighting throughout the venue, ensuring that lights are only on when needed. All our offices, bathrooms, and meeting rooms are equipped with 100% LED lighting, which is not only energy efficient but also reduces unnecessary energy consumption as these lights are controlled by timers and shut off outside operational hours. 

We power our facilities with Zero Carbon Electricity, which is a mix of renewable electricity backed by Guarantees of Origin, and nuclear declarations. For guests who drive electric vehicles, we offer up to 14 EV charging points, making it easier and more convenient to travel green. Additionally, our installation of ZIP taps further supports our carbon reduction goals by providing instant boiling and chilled water, eliminating the need for energy-intensive kettles and water coolers. 


Carbon footprint and offsetting 

Tackling our carbon footprint is a key priority, and we’re proactive about it. We’ve joined the West Midlands business pledge, committing to reach Net Zero by 2041. It’s a regional effort, and we’re in it together with other local businesses, pushing towards a greener future. 

To make sure we’re on track, we’ve set up a robust tracking system that checks our energy, water, and waste usage every month. This helps us keep an eye on our resource use, spot any areas for improvement, and ensure we’re making the necessary adjustments to meet our sustainability goals. 


Consumables and cleaning

Every little thing counts towards being more sustainable, right down to the consumables and cleaning products we use. Our bathrooms are stocked with amenities free from parabens and petroleum-derived ingredients, opting for natural compounds that are kinder to both people and the planet. Plus, we make sure there's no palm oil in any products or preparations used here, helping to combat deforestation and protect habitats. 

We also choose toilet tissue made from recycled materials or bamboo, which cuts down on our ecological footprint. When it comes to keeping things clean, we've swapped out harsh chemicals for eco-friendly cleaning products. This shift not only reduces harmful emissions but also creates a safer and healthier environment for everyone here. 


Waste and recycling

At the MTC campus, we take waste seriously. We've teamed up with Veolia to ensure we send zero waste to landfill. Everything is recycled, reused, or converted into energy. It’s a big win for us and the environment! 

Around the venue, you’ll find recycling bins in all public areas and meeting rooms, making it easy for everyone to help with recycling. Plus, we compost the waste from our grounds maintenance, turning it back into something useful for our gardens.  



We’ve completely eliminated plastic water bottles from our venue, opting for more sustainable options to keep everyone hydrated. Our commitment doesn’t stop there - we also try to minimise all single-use plastics. 

We make sure we recycle paper, card, glass, cans, and plastic waste. Even in our bathrooms, we use bulk toiletry bottles instead of single-use plastics, reducing waste and maintaining a cleaner, greener space. These initiatives are all part of our pledge to protect the environment and promote responsible consumption. 


Certifications and accreditations

We’re really proud to hold the Eco Smart certification, rigorously assessing our sustainability practices every year. It’s a commitment that keeps us on our toes and always improving.  

Scoring the gold level recently just goes to show how serious we are about looking after our planet. Achieving the gold certification means more than just meeting the basics; it shows we excel in making our operations as green as possible, especially in energy efficiency, waste reduction, and ethical sourcing. We renew this accolade each year, which keeps us committed to continuous improvement and innovation in our environmental efforts. 

Knowing why these certifications matter is key - they help consumers and businesses make more eco-conscious decisions. By opting for Eco Smart-certified venues like ours, event planners can help push the entire events industry towards more sustainable practices. 



Food purchasing and management

When it comes to sustainability and ethical choices, we start with the basics, offering Fairtrade or ethically sourced coffee and tea, and providing dairy alternatives like oat or almond milk to cater to diverse dietary preferences. We're committed to marine conservation too; our menus are carefully planned to exclude any endangered or protected fish or seafood as defined by the Marine Conservation Society. 

We take pride in serving food that includes herbs and produce grown right on our premises, ensuring freshness and reducing our carbon footprint. For our meats, we partner with Aubrey Allen, a local market-leading butcher known for sourcing local and UK produce, supporting local farmers, and minimising transportation emissions. 

Beyond just food, we track the carbon footprint of our entire catering operation. We categorise all purchases and monitor the related carbon output, allowing us to make informed decisions that align with our commitment to sustainability. This comprehensive approach ensures that our catering not only meets high standards of quality but also upholds our dedication to environmental responsibility. 


Food and kitchen waste

We're dedicated to making sure our food and kitchen operations are as green as possible. We've set up a system where all food waste is collected and recycled. We also make sure that used cooking oil is converted into biofuel, turning what would be waste into something useful. 

When we have extra kitchen equipment, we don’t just throw it away; we donate it to local homeless charities, helping out where we can. We keep a close eye on how much waste we're producing, constantly looking for ways to cut down. Plus, we're all about reusing; all the cardboard from our vegetable deliveries goes right back to the supplier, and the containers for our fish and meat are washed and reused. 


Food and drink packaging

We take our packaging choices seriously, aiming for sustainability in every aspect of our food and drink service. We've moved away from plastic and instead serve our water in on-site filled glass bottles, which not only reduce waste but also maintain the quality and taste of our beverages. 

Where possible in our restaurants, instead of using individual sachets for condiments, which contribute to single-use plastic waste, we opt for 5kg pumps. This choice significantly cuts down on packaging waste and makes it easier for us to control portion sizes, ensuring freshness and reducing unused leftovers. 


Business principles and communication

Our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) champions group plays a pivotal role here. Twice a year, this dedicated team selects specific initiatives to align with the UN Sustainability Goals, ensuring that our actions contribute meaningfully towards global sustainability efforts. This structured approach not only keeps our team focused and motivated but also ensures that we are continuously making progress towards broader environmental and social targets.  


Charitable and local community support

Our CSR Group leads the charge with initiatives like the Tilly Shilling programs and regular food bank collections. These efforts are close to our heart because they allow us to support local people and causes that really matter. 

We believe in the power of continuous support, not just one-off donations. By weaving community support into our everyday actions, we’re helping to build a stronger, more connected local area. It’s all about making a positive difference where we can, ensuring that as we grow, our community thrives too. 



We’ve achieved the ISO 14001 certification, showing we're serious about our environmental management systems. But this isn’t just a badge. We make real efforts to lessen our impact on the planet while keeping everything running smoothly.




We wouldn’t be anything without our valued team members. We pride ourselves on being an accredited living wage employer, ensuring that every member of our team earns a fair wage for their hard work. It’s about respect and support across the board. 

Training is important here, too. We run specific programs focused on environmental sustainability and energy efficiency to keep our staff ahead of the curve. Plus, our Corporate Social Responsibility policy really pushes all of us to get out there and make a difference in the community. Equality is at the core of what we do. We’re committed to equal opportunities and stamping out discrimination in the workplace, making sure MTC is a place where everyone can thrive. 


Other initiatives

As you’ll have noticed, our commitment to the environment extends beyond the usual!  

We’ve got a few unique initiatives that really set us apart. We’ve introduced beehives and wildflower meadows on-site, boosting local biodiversity and providing essential habitats for bees and other pollinators. It’s all about promoting a healthier ecosystem right here at our venue. 

Litter picking is carried out regularly to keep our surroundings clean and pristine, and we've implemented rainwater run-off management systems to handle water more responsibly. When it comes to planting, we stick to a like-for-like policy as much as possible, ensuring that we maintain the natural balance of our local environment. 


The MTC's commitment to fostering a sustainable world is at the heart of our mission to make a meaningful, positive impact on society. Our dedication to expanding our sustainable practices ensures that MTC actively supports a greener future, distinguishing MTC Events as a uniquely responsible event venue. 

To find out more about planning your sustainable event with us, please get in touch.  


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